Memorial Day Reflection

Everyone knows I don't really do nationalism and all that, but in the grand scheme of things, I can recognize that I'm only here living a relatively peaceful existence as a result of a lot of death and fighting that preceded me, like everyone else. I never glorify war, but there's something to be said about the bravery of being willing to fight in one, for whatever reason, and knowing any moment could be your last; the subjects of war and violence (and what drives people to it) have always eternally fascinated and puzzled me.

Thankfully, I've never been put in such a situation of having to fight in a war, so I do remember those who were for that reason alone, and who had to make unbelievably difficult decisions in the midst of the larger moving forces of history beyond their control. In this regard, through contextualizing myself in the grand scheme of my country's story, I show my respect for the dead.



Independence Day Reflection


First Blog Post: Welcome!